The correlation between poor oral health and low self-esteem is undeniable. A recent study has revealed that one in five very socially active adults either stopped or scaled back their social activities due to the poor condition of their teeth.
However, several breakthroughs in cosmetic dentistry can now restore tooth functionality and improve self-esteem.
Zirconia Crowns Or Porcelain Crowns?
Dental crowns are an excellent cosmetic option when replacing teeth using dental implants or restoring weak, broken, or decayed teeth.
Dental crowns are very versatile and can be used to improve many different dental cosmetic problems.
Placing a dental crown on a damaged tooth helps give the tooth back its strength, helping prevent eventual tooth loss. The different types of tooth damage that benefit from crown placement include decaying teeth, fractured teeth, cracked teeth, and broken teeth.
Replacing missing teeth is not only important for cosmetic reasons but also for dental health reasons.
Dental crowns are an excellent cosmetic option when replacing teeth using dental implants and when choosing dental bridges as one’s tooth replacement option.
Dental crowns can also be used purely for aesthetic reasons when someone is not happy with their teeth’ size, shape, or even color.
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain crowns are aesthetically pleasing, as well as solid and durable. Porcelain crowns are also safe and environmentally friendly. The color of porcelain crowns can be matched to the shade of your natural teeth.
Porcelain crowns are commonly preferred for front teeth prone to less pressure and wear. Porcelain also reduces temperature sensitivity because it’s a poor conductor of heat or cold.
Combining porcelain and metal results in porcelain fused to metal crowns to give the crown the strength of metal and the natural look of porcelain. The only downside to this option is that the metal can show a dark-colored line along the gums and become more prominent when the gums recede.
Zirconia Crowns
Zirconia is biocompatible and extensively used in the fields of medicine and dentistry. Zirconia is just like titanium but does not contain any metals. Zirconia is a ceramic, so your cosmetic dentist in East Lansing MI can adjust the color to match the surrounding teeth.
The human body has a minimal chance of allergic reactions or outright rejection of zirconia.
Zirconia crowns can be fabricated from a single, solid block of zirconia that provides you with a dental crown that can withstand all the daily demands of your teeth.
Unlike the dark metal line visible on porcelain crowns along the gums, zirconia looks like a natural tooth along the gum line.
The only major downside to zirconia is its lack of translucence that porcelain and natural teeth have.
Cosmetic dentists are now combining zirconia and porcelain. This results in a full zirconia crown with a small window removed from the front-facing portion of the crown. The window is replaced with porcelain giving the crown the difficult-to-destruct properties of zirconia and the natural translucence of porcelain.
Achieve a Perfect Smile with High-Quality Dental Crowns In East Lansing MI
At Schaefer Dental Group, East Lansing, we offer dental crowns to our patients in East Lansing, MI, as part of our comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services.
Patients can plan to obtain their dental crowns in two appointments at our dental office in East Lansing, MI. During the initial visit, our dental professionals will prepare the tooth, which may include some enamel contouring. The dentist will also remove the decay from the cavity, if any. Once the tooth is contoured and cleaned, a digital scan of the tooth is taken and referred to the lab. Your dental crown will be uniquely customized for a personalized fit.
Once your crown is ready, the dentist will attach it above your natural tooth during your second appointment. The dentist will make any last-minute alterations to perfect the shape and size of your crown and cement it permanently over the natural tooth.
With proper care and maintenance, dental crowns can last a lifetime.
Contact our dental clinic in East Lansing, MI, to schedule an initial consultation or to learn more about cosmetic dentistry’s benefits and all the treatment options available.